Camping FAQ

Camping is, by far, one of the most fun activities in Scouting. As a matter of fact, it's one of the main reasons children join Scouts! As any camper will tell you, however, how well you're prepared for a campout can make or break the fun of the event. Skim through these frequently asked questions to help make your campout one for the memory books.

What should I bring?

Bring whatever you think you need to be comfortable! Here's a recommended basic packing list to get you started:

That sounds like alot... what if I don't have [x]?

If you need any help with gear (need to borrow a tent or other gear, advice on what gear to choose or where to get gear, etc...) please let a leader know! We've got a few extra tents we try to have handy, and often leaders or other families may have extra tents or gear suggestions. The goal is for Scouts (and adults) to have fun; not to make them miserable if they forget (or don't have access to) something.

What exactly goes on at a Cub Scout campout?

Most Cub Scout campouts are 2 nights. The Scouts will arrive at the camp Friday evening, usually already fed (there's not usually food provided Friday evening), and spend the evening setting up tents and socializing.

Saturday's schedule is normally dictated by the type of event: Den Campouts, Pack Campouts, or District/Council Events.

All of these events normally wrap up Sunday morning with the Scouts waking around 7-8am, packing up their camp, cleaning their campsites, and headed home.

Can my Cub Scout bring a friend or sibling?

Usually... YES! As mentioned above, camping is one of the most fun things Scouts get to do, and campouts are GREAT recruiting events! If your child wants to invite a friend or sibling to come to a campout, they are certainly welcome! There are a few caveats to be aware of, though:

Can my Cub Scout share a tent with...?

For the safety of your Scout(s), Scouting America is VERY STRICT and CLEAR on who can share a tent.

What if we can't stay the whole time?

No problem! Most of our camping expiditions are two nights; we generally meet up at the location on Friday evening (usually around 6-ish, already fed), set up camp, have a fun Saturday full of activities, perhaps a campfire, and then pack up and head home Sunday morning (usually around 9-ish).

Feel free to attend as much of the event as you're able! You can arrive late on Friday (just let a leader know), skip Friday and come for the fun on Saturday, only camp one or two nights, or just come for Saturday, leave in the evening, and not camp at all! We only ask that you let a leader know your plans so we can properly account for the scouts that will be on-site at any given time. This is important for insurance and safety reasons.

Can my Cub Scout attend without a parent?

Cub Scouting is a family program. If possible, please make sure your Scout has a parent or guardian present. The actual -requirement- is based on your Cub Scout's rank: